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  • Part 2 Pandemic Focus: Interview with Ben Warren

What would you expect on your 1st meeting with someone who founded a scientific wellness company and celebrated as one of New Zealand’s most renowned clinical nutritionists and holistic health experts?

What struck me when I had lunch with Ben Warren, founder of BePure was his openness to new information and humility to even learn from someone like me.

Ben started as an elite golf coach and after personal health issues, retrained as a nutritionist to heal himself. He spent over 10 years learning from the best in his field and started BePure.

My mother-in-law, May attended one of his original courses, Ben Warren’s Pure Health Revolution course in 2009. She still follows his recommendation of drinking a warm glass of water with lemon juice to kick-start the gastric juices. When we reviewed her folder from the course, I was impressed how over 20 years ago, Ben had advocated healthy living through vitamin D supplementation, filling in nutritional gaps with bone broth and organ meat, mindful eating, gardening. I really wanted his take on the current health environment, hence my interview with him.

Lunch with Ben Warren, Founder of BePure

He shared how he maintains his health on a daily basis:

Ben starts the day meditating: his tip: keep your eyes closed and focus on love and gratitude. Think of a loved one and that emotion comes naturally

He then drinks water to keep hydrated.

Ben practices yoga for relaxation and finds that this practice increases his awareness of stress points that has accumulated in the body. This awareness allows him to manage stress better.

After that, he catches up with work and has breakfast around 10am. He finds restricting his diet to a narrow eating window works well for his metabolism.

He also commits to some form of movement daily whether chopping wood in his farm or playing tennis.

He eats according to his macronutrient type: for Ben, his best fuel source are proteins and vegetables. Find out your macronutrient type by clicking on the quiz developed by BePure nutritionists here.

Ben is a big advocate of individualising micronutrients to the individual. His clinic provides a range of these services. At the moment, he takes:

  • 10x BePure One
  • 4x BePure Three Fish oil
  • B12 & B9
  • Coenzyme Q-10
  • Manganese
  • Molybdenum
  • Nattokinase
  • NMN (Nicotinamide mononucleotide)
  • Turmeric

He rotates his supplements according to his individual requirements

When I asked him for his top 3 micronutrients to support immunity, he recommended vitamin C, D and zinc, matching my top 3 supplements and The Pharmacist Edit’s Guide to Boosting Your Immune System (coming soon). The thinking is that to boost the immune system, one needs raw materials and micronutrients to enable these materials to be made into immune soldiers like antibodies etc.

You can connect with Ben here.

This article is part of a 3 series on supporting you during the pandemic. You can read part 1 here. To receive a complimentary copy of my Top 3 supplements, click here

I am on a mission to share this information to 5000 subscribers by July 2022. If you like this content, please feel free to share with someone who may benefit from this.

Affiliate Disclosure: Products and services recommended are limited to products that Therese’s uses and recommends to clients. The educational materials may contain affiliate links, which means The Pharmacist Edit may receive a commission on any product or service you purchase using the links provided. You will pay the same price (or lower) for all products and services, and your purchase helps support Therese‘s ongoing research and work.


  • Therese Pharmacist Health Coach Podcaster The Enlightened Pharmacist

    Therese is a consultant pharmacist, evidence-based health and wellness researcher, health coach and self-confessed wellbeing addict. As the host of The Enlightened Pharmacist podcast and webinar series, Therese regularly presents group workshops and seminars, and has a practice working with patients one-to-one who have improved their health outcomes for the long term. Having experienced chronic health issues herself, Therese understands that the struggle with maintaining health and wellness is real. She has spent countless hours with patients facing chronic conditions including kidney disease, fatty liver disease, obesity, high blood pressure, stroke, metabolic syndrome, respiratory issues and more. Inspired by the success her patients have experienced, Therese has created this workshop to share the effective strategies and shortcuts she uses to help people understand and implement every day, so you can reclaim your health with confidence. Therese is on a mission to help 10,000 individuals reclaim their health for the long term - you too can be part of her revolution.

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