
Prof Marc Cohen: Smart Health & Wellness 

 August 18, 2022

By  Therese L'Seow

This podcast was developed to spread the word about the latest interventions, beyond the traditional approach and how best to tackle and reverse disease. I interview thought-leaders who at the cutting edge of their practice and passionate about improving health.

How do you prepare for a pandemic, a crisis or the ultimate worse case scenario, an apocalypse?

Our guest today, Prof Marc Cohen has been pondering that since primary school.

He decided to spend his life studying and researching holistic health and wellness in the hope that it would lead to the most fun and fulfilling life and help tip the scales in the right direction when crisis came.

Dr Marc is a medical doctor, university professor, author, poet, entrepreneur, wellness trailblazer and perpetual student of life, trying to coax the world towards worldwide wellness.

In addition to a medical degree, Dr Marc has an Honours degree in physiology and psychological medicine and PhDs in both Chinese Medicine and biomedical engineering. His research expertise includes all aspects of wellness including health retreats, detoxification, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, nutrition, herbal medicine, elite athletic performance, bathing, saunas, hot springs and flow states.

He has spent more than 30 years practicing and researching holistic health and published more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers and many books and technical texts on wellness and natural medicine.

In this episode, you will discover:

  • How to lead the most fun and fulfilling life and eventually tip the scales in the right direction when crisis occurs
  • 2 things you can do now to improve your health (hint: think gut and shut-eye)
  • Why it’s beneficial to raise body heat and what to do if you don’t have a bath-tub

To teach himself and students to remember complex medical concepts, he uses mnemonics and poetry. This is his Recipe for Wellness and Antidote to Fear:


Bathe in beautiful water
Prepare delicious food
Make the most of every breath
Dance through every mood

Tend the soil beneath your feet
Feel sunshine from above
Share your gifts with all the world
Fill your life with love


Foster Love of Poetry

Express yourself through dance

Fill your life with fun and joy

Friendship and Romance

Focus on the world you want

Be the change you want to see

Spread goodwill to all you meetLive fearless and free

What I took home from this podcast:

  • Try heat therapy (steam inhalation) early on when I suspect a viral infection is coming. See Prof Marc Cohen’s paper on this.
  • Raise your body temperature with a hot soak and if you don’t have a bath-tub, try soaking your feet in a bucket instead
  • Commit to memory at least 1 of Prof Cohen’s poems as the mind follows what you focus on!


  • Book ~ Herbs and Natural Supplements: An evidenced-based guide, Vol 1, Vol 2
  • Prof Marc Cohen’s website
  • Marc is generously giving a 10% discount off kombucha products for listeners if you put “drmarc” in the coupon code here
  • Prof Cohen’s collection of poems
  • 50 activities with supporting evidence to boost immunity/Whirl of Wellness

Other episodes you’ll enjoy:

Introduction to The Enlightened Pharmacist

Nicole Bijlsma – Environmental Toxins Impacting Health & What You Can Do

Connect with me:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepharmacistedit/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pharmacistedit/


  • Therese Pharmacist Health Coach Podcaster The Enlightened Pharmacist

    Therese is a consultant pharmacist, evidence-based health and wellness researcher, health coach and self-confessed wellbeing addict. As the host of The Enlightened Pharmacist podcast and webinar series, Therese regularly presents group workshops and seminars, and has a practice working with patients one-to-one who have improved their health outcomes for the long term. Having experienced chronic health issues herself, Therese understands that the struggle with maintaining health and wellness is real. She has spent countless hours with patients facing chronic conditions including kidney disease, fatty liver disease, obesity, high blood pressure, stroke, metabolic syndrome, respiratory issues and more. Inspired by the success her patients have experienced, Therese has created this workshop to share the effective strategies and shortcuts she uses to help people understand and implement every day, so you can reclaim your health with confidence. Therese is on a mission to help 10,000 individuals reclaim their health for the long term - you too can be part of her revolution.

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  • I absolutely loved this podcast. It is interesting how current research is confirming now what Chinese medicine, Ayurveda and herbalists have intuitively known for thousands of years. But this knowledge is slow to be integrated in mainstream medicine. One reason might be that not many researchers are willing to study alternative medicine. But there is hope with people like Therese, who is passionate about finding and bringing this information to us and Dr. Mark who is passionate about putting it all together, traditional medicine knowledge, research evidence, including his own research, quantum physics, and in simple language, so anyone can understand, and even in verse so we can remember it with a smile on the face.

    • Thanks Mihaela- I’m so glad you’re enjoying the podcast.
      As you’ve highlighted, it’s very easy to slip into one camp, either mainstream vs alternative medicine.
      You’re on the money: health and wellness is not so black and white.
      We don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to ancient wisdom while we want to innovate with technology (diagnostics, emergency medicine). Research is crucial and Dr Marc is bridging this gap with his findings https://drmarc.co/leading-edge-research/
      More importantly, we really need to support health at to an individual level: manage the root cause of the condition with all therapies.
      Kindest, Therese

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