What If There Was A Way That

You Could Control Diabetes Naturally and

Reduce the Risk of Serious Illness?

In this workshop, expert pharmacist Therese will reveal the pros and cons of different interventions so you can take control of your diabetes. 

By the end of this intensive 20 minutes pre-recorded workshop, you will understand the safest interventions that will help you lose weight, have more energy and live longer.

Free Webinar Control Diabetes Reduce Serious Illness

Sign up below to WATCH IT NOW :

What you’ll discover:

  • The root cause of diabetes so you can ACT NOW to reduce the burden of 'diabetes' and avoid the slippery slope of chronic diabetes 
  • TOP 3 simple, mind-blowing techniques that lower your blood sugars so you feel energised and live longer 
  • Stop relying on medications to control your blood sugar and reverse diabetes naturally
  • How I can help you sustain weight loss, improve blood glucose levels, and have a revitalised attitude towards life

Get instant access to Control Diabetes

Reduce Your Risk of Serious Illness NOW!

Enter your e-mail address below and Watch this intensive 20 minutes webinar NOW.

After watching, you will qualify for a 1:1 consultation with Therese (normally valued at $125) to discover how you can implement strategies to control diabetes!

About the Author

Therese, Founder of The Pharmacist Edit

Therese is a Consultant Pharmacist specialising in medicines information and management. She has over 20 years experience in NZ, UK and Australia helping clients optimise their health. Her own genetic predisposition toward type 2 diabetes has strengthened her preventive and research pursuits; to help individuals find the best interventions to naturally resolve conditions like fatigue, weight gain, pre-diabetes/type 2 diabetes and heart disease risk. She can guide you through the latest cutting-edge research and help you create a personalized plan that fits into your life.

DISCLAIMER: Webinars such as this are for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have or suspect you have a health problem, consult your registered health professional.
